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Deliveries and miscellaneous photos - Click on the images to enlarge them
Watch some videos from our YouTube Channel
XRT Maintenance Seminar for Boston Fire
THE LIBERATOR by Smart Power and XRT
APU System with Ac comp & Alternator
Londonderry Fire Dept, - Londonderry, NH
HME's dashboard control station showing the XRT PTO engaged
Salem Fire Department - Salem MA
Boston's Ladder 17 with a 3-tool XRT Powerhouse System
John S. Damrell - Boston Fire 70'
John S. Damrell - Boston Fire 70'
East Farmingdale VFD Engine 6
Irwin, PA VFD - their Powerhouse System is over 12 years old and never had any issues with it.
Close up of our Dump Valve
Hummels Wharf Rescue Truck w/XRT Powerhouse
XRT Control Valve
John S. Damrell - Boston Fire 70'
View of our control valves that enable you to do a
Top view of an APU Combi System - generator AND hydraulic rescue pump
Norwell, MA FD
Hampton, NH Heavy Rescue w/XRT Combi
Hummels Wharf 1950's Mack
Hampton NH FD Ladder 1
East Farmingdale VFD Engine 6
XRT Rescue Tool Pump on Liberator
XRT Liberator Remote Panel
Boston Ladder
Hampton, NH FD Heavy Rescue w/2-tool XRT System
Retrofit - XRT system in a 1970's truck
John S. Damrell - Boston Fire 70'
Freeport, ME w/XRT Combi
This is a photo of a retro-fit
Mytle Beach Dedication (every truck they have has an XRT unit)
Ford F-550 w/XRT Matrix
West Point VFD w/Matrix System
XRT Matrix System - designed for the FORD F-550 4x4 trucks
This valve has been working flawlessly for over 12 years!
Boston Strong!
FD working with 3 tools at the same time - no power or performance loss
Ford F-550 w/XRT Matrix
Front bumper w//2-tool system
Arvada, CO FD w/XRT System
3 tool set up
Matrix System for Ford Super Duty
John S. Damrell - Boston Fire 70'
Hummels Wharf FD Heavy Rescue
APU with 270amp Alternator
Boston FD
Myrtle Beach FD
Boston Ladder
East Farmingdale VFD Engine 6
Hampton, NH FD Ladder 1
Myrtle Beach FD
US Air Force w/APU